

1 a flight, journey, or escape from a dangerous or undesirable situation. 2 exodus.

Abigail finally felt at ease as she toweled the viscous semen of twenty-three men from her face. After beginning her set at the bachelor party with double penetration, and ending it with a bukakke session, she was glad her great sexual hegria was over.

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“Hegira.” The Effin’ Word, The Effin’ Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/hegira. Accessed 12 Feb. 2025.

The Effin’ Word, s.v. “hegira”, accessed February 12, 2025, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/hegira.

The Effin’ Word. (n.d.). Hegira. In The Effin’ Word. Retrieved February 12, 2025, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/hegira

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