An idea that dominates the mind; a fixed idea; an obsession.
My neighbor dwelt on the idee fixe that the government wanted to castrate him so he killed his family and torched his house.
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Modern Language Association (MLA Style)
Idee fixe. The Effin Word, The Effin Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/idee-fixe. Accessed 22 Dec. 2024.
The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style)
The Effin Word, s.v. idee fixe, accessed December 22, 2024, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/idee-fixe.
American Psychological Association (APA Style)
The Effin Word. (n.d.). Idee fixe. In The Effin Word. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/idee-fixe