1 the entrance of an enemy into a country with purposes of hostility. 2 a sudden or desultory incursion or invasion. 3 raid. 4 encroachment.
It will take more than the Supreme Court affirming the civil rights of homosexuals in this country to make serious inroads into the southern part of the United States. For now, legislators try to legalize discrimination in the guise of “religious freedom” laws.
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Modern Language Association (MLA Style)
Inroad. The Effin Word, The Effin Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/inroad. Accessed 10 Mar. 2025.
The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style)
The Effin Word, s.v. inroad, accessed March 10, 2025, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/inroad.
American Psychological Association (APA Style)
The Effin Word. (n.d.). Inroad. In The Effin Word. Retrieved March 10, 2025, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/inroad