/məˈlɛf ɪk/
1 doing mischief. 2 causing harm or evil. 3 nefarious. 4 hurtful.
Eve knew it was wrong to leave the bar with Matt that night. She did it anyway. Later, she’d say she was hypnotized by his malefic eyes. That he filled an emotional void in her life. Her friends encouraged this. But not long ago she’d felt the same way about her husband. And the guy before that. And the guy before that. Lies — they were just lies she used to rationalize running from one to the next. This was just the way Eve swam through life. Leaving the scattered remnants of the best these men had to offer in her wake.
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Modern Language Association (MLA Style)
Malefic. The Effin Word, The Effin Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/malefic. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style)
The Effin Word, s.v. malefic, accessed March 14, 2025, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/malefic.
American Psychological Association (APA Style)
The Effin Word. (n.d.). Malefic. In The Effin Word. Retrieved March 14, 2025, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/malefic