1 a timid, submissive, unassertive or spineless person. 2 mild of temper.
The bouncer was such a milquetoast that he looked the other way when patrons grabbed at the tits of the dancers he was charged to protect. Confrontation often begat violence, and he could bear to endure neither.
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Modern Language Association (MLA Style)
Milquetoast. The Effin Word, The Effin Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/milquetoast. Accessed 22 Dec. 2024.
The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style)
The Effin Word, s.v. milquetoast, accessed December 22, 2024, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/milquetoast.
American Psychological Association (APA Style)
The Effin Word. (n.d.). Milquetoast. In The Effin Word. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/milquetoast