/ˈmʌn dəˌfaɪ/
1 a to cleanse. b to deterge. 2 to purge or purify.
Was it time to mundify the implacable relationship Stabler had with his wife? On one hand, he loved her very much. She was his first love, and he still felt profoundly for her after many, many years of marriage. On the other hand, she was an abusive drunk that had a nasty habit of taking her pants off for strangers. Divorce seemed like a rational choice, and yet, he had a great conflict inside him. Could love truly conquer all? Or, as his friends argued time and time again, was love a convenient way to rationalize a bad, bad situation? Who’s to say? It takes all kinds. That’s what it takes.
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Modern Language Association (MLA Style)
Mundify. The Effin Word, The Effin Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/mundify. Accessed 28 Feb. 2025.
The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style)
The Effin Word, s.v. mundify, accessed February 28, 2025, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/mundify.
American Psychological Association (APA Style)
The Effin Word. (n.d.). Mundify. In The Effin Word. Retrieved February 28, 2025, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/mundify