

1 not anywhere. 2 not in any place or state.

“Man, it was real,” said Freddy, recounting his story of a near traffic accident. “But you know, that’s why God gave us reflexes: So we can move the fuck out of the way when a fridge come out of nowhere.”

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Modern Language Association (MLA Style)

“Nowhere.” The Effin’ Word, The Effin’ Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/nowhere. Accessed 15 Sept. 2024.

The Effin’ Word, s.v. “nowhere”, accessed September 15, 2024, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/nowhere.

The Effin’ Word. (n.d.). Nowhere. In The Effin’ Word. Retrieved September 15, 2024, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/nowhere

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