/ˈtrʌk əl/


1 to yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another. 2 to submit. 3 to creep.

Charlize despised her husband, who truckled to her every whim. Sure, she enjoyed his efforts in the bedroom. He’d enthusiastically degrade himself, acquiescing to the darker of her fantasies. That was nice. But in all other respects she hated the bastard. What she wanted was a man that would fight. That would be mean. Violent even. She wanted a man that was apathetic toward her in all respects, not some pussy that would attempt to navigate between the ebb and flow of her emotions. She didn’t want understanding. She wanted someone to treat her like dog shit. Like how she felt inside. She deserved no better, she thought. And she cursed her husband for trying.

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“Truckle.” The Effin’ Word, The Effin’ Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/truckle. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.

The Effin’ Word, s.v. “truckle”, accessed March 13, 2025, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/truckle.

The Effin’ Word. (n.d.). Truckle. In The Effin’ Word. Retrieved March 13, 2025, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/truckle

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