


To infer or deduce.

I was able to educe, primarily from the shit-stained dildo on the bed, that my husband had been using my toys for no good.

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To soothe or calm; to pacify.

The least these fucking clowns at BP could do to assuage our fears is act like they know what the fuck they’re doing.

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Of, pertaining to, or suggestive of dreams; dreamy.

My God, she had a nice smile, legs that went on for days, and oneiric tits.

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Having the nature or qualities of oil.

A big fucking thank you to BP who has turned our beloved gulf into an oleaginous swamp.

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To utter, or express with, a snorting, exultant laugh or chuckle.

This big bastard sitting behind us chortled when he overheard my girlfriend tell me about her affair with her doorman.

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verb (used with object)

Leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation…

Read more about hegemony


Giving exhortation or advise; encouraging.

One must acknowledge that the normalization of the right-wing media’s hortatory use of propaganda and its fever dreams about the good old days has led its viewers to grow comfortable with their own indifference to the Country’s subjugation — and even murder — of black people.

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